
A range of equipment and books has been carefully selected to support your learning journey here at The Movement Studio. 

These items are available to loan as well as purchase* during your sessions or by using the Contact page


Balance Disk – Air Stability & Sensory Activation Cushion

Portable Balance Disk is air-filled so you can easily adjust firmness depending on your specific requirements. Can be used under feet in sitting, in car, behind back, to sit on and to stand on. Disk can also be used as a chair cushion for kids with ADHD or who struggle to sit still or fidget in their chairs. Cushions are double sided with a smooth surface on one side, can be flipped over to expose small soft spikes to enhance sensory input.

Fitness Ball – Mobility & Balance Building

Large Inflatable Ball is available in 3 sizes and has a variety of uses in the context of Alexander Technique teaching and movement education. It is particularly effective for finding hip joint mobility and limb / torso independence in sitting, for learning application of Alexander principles in a more challenging and commonplace ‘fitness’ context, and for those working in vocals looking to gain greater whole-body resonance and buoyancy.

Soft Toe Separator/Spacer

Toe spacers are made from silicon or gel material. They conform to your toes to separate them so they do not overlap. They work to release pressure and realign the toes where needed. The benefits extend past the toes and to the rest of the foot as well.


Body Learning (Michael J. Gelb) 

Body Learning has been a steady bestseller since it was first published in 1981. This updated 40th anniversary edition confirms its status as the classic work on the Alexander Technique.

The Alexander Technique is now recognized the world over as the most revolutionary and far-reaching method ever developed for maintaining the coordination and efficiency of the human body. It is not only a means of putting us in touch with our bodies, but also a way of deepening our perceptions and general well-being. Its effects on all aspects of living and learning are profound.

Body Learning provides a simple, clear answer to the question: “What is The Alexander Technique and how can it help me?” Michael J. Gelb provides inspiration and guidance to newcomers to the technique and conveys a full understanding of the complex mental and physical dynamics involved.

Change Your Posture, Change Your Life (Richard Brennan)

Change Your Posture, Change Your Life analyses the origin and development of the Alexander Technique, how it works and what are its benefits. In chapters ranging from ‘The Secret Key to Good Posture’ and ‘The Hidden Obstacle to Improving Posture’ to ‘Your Inner Acrobat’ and ‘First Steps in Releasing Muscle Tension’, Richard Brennan examines every aspect of the technique and how it can benefit everyone, young and old. This book will appeal to the many millions of parents and teachers who are increasingly concerned about the rapid deterioration of the posture of their children, who are frequently hunched over desks and computers, as well as their own posture. It will also be of great value to doctors, consultants and physiotherapists, who already realise that posture is a crucial factor in most healthcare, plus those in physical education (including yoga and pilates), all types of sports and the martial arts. And last but not least, the book will be of priceless value to all those who suffer from a wide range of muscular-skeletal problems, including arthritis, backache and headaches, as well as a whole range of other common ailments.
With more and more people becoming aware of the role that good posture plays in treating ill health, this is the perfect introduction to implementing its benefits into your own life.

Body Mapping Manual: Use Body Mapping to improve movement and posture (Fiona Bryant)

This manual has been developed to support the delivery of Body Mapping: Use body mapping to improve movement and posture unit taught as a part of Advanced Diploma for Alexander Technique teaching at the School for FM Alexander Studies in Melbourne, Australia.  The pioneering 10 session course guides students into a practical and embodied understanding of the structure and function of the human body. The course teaches foundations of the Alexander Technique and Anatomy with the additional step of learning not only how to intellectually understand this information but also physically.

Anatomy of Movement (Blandine Calais-Germain)

Anatomy of Movement presents a dynamic, integrated approach to the study of the physical structures of the musculoskeletal system and their functional relationship to the movements of the human body. In clear and concise text illustrated with more than a thousand graphic drawings, the author guides the reader on a lively tour of the muscles, bones, ligaments and joints of the arms, legs and trunk. The focus throughout the book is on anatomy not for its own sake, but in its functional relationship to the actual movements of the body in dance, exercise, and other physical disciplines. In this newly-revised edition, a majority of the thousand-plus illustrations are new or have been modified by the author from the original edition. The text has also been updated, and the sequencing of the presentation of the musculoskeletal anatomy has been revised in part.

Anatomy of the Moving Body, Second Edition: A Basic Course in Bones, Muscles, and Joints (Theodore Dimon Jr.)

A complete, lecture-based anatomy course that covers the muscles, bones, and joints of the moving body-perfect for dancers and movement-oriented therapists. Learning anatomy requires more than pictures and labels. It requires a way “into” the subject-a means of making sense of what is being shown. Anatomy of the Moving Body addresses that need with a simple yet complete study of the body’s complex system of bones, muscles, and joints, and how they function. Beautifully illustrated with over one hundred 3D images, this second edition contains thirty-one lectures that guide readers through this challenging interior landscape. Author Theodore Dimon Jr. describes each part of the body in brief, manageable sections, with components described singly or in small groups. He goes beyond simply naming the muscles and bones to explain the exact terminology in everyday language.
This edition features all-new illustrations that use a 3D digital model of the human anatomical form. Thorough, visually interesting, and easy-to-understand, Anatomy of the Moving Body, Second Edition is an ideal resource for students and teachers of the Alexander and Feldenkrais techniques as well as for practitioners of yoga, Pilates, martial arts, and dance.

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery (Eric Franklin)

Destined to become a classic text and reference, “Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery” shows you how to use imaging techniques to improve posture and alignment and release excess tension. The book’s 195 illustrations will help you visualize the images and exercises and show you how to use them in a variety of contexts. Part I of “Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery” discusses the origins and uses of imagery and includes 36 exercises that demonstrate dynamic alignment in practice. You’ll explore the importance of posture and dynamic alignment and discover how to use imagery to affect body movement. Part II explains the biomechanical and anatomical principles behind complex imagery and illustrates 52 exercises to bring these principles to life. You’ll learn how to use basic physics to create a strong yet fluid balance in your muscles and joints. Part III provides 250 anatomical imagery exercises to help you fine-tune alignments and increase body awareness. The exercises focus on different regions of the body – the pelvis, hips, knees, lower legs, spine, shoulders, arms, hands, head, and neck – as well as on breathing. You can select specific images to address individual needs or follow the sequence presented in the book. And Part IV provides 23 holistic exercises to sculpt and improve alignment in various positions – standing, supine, and sitting. These exercises will help you establish a body image that facilitates dynamic alignment and releases excess tension. By practicing the techniques described in “Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery”, you’ll tap into the power of imagery and create better movement.

What Every Dancer Needs to Know About the Body (Robin Gilmore)

A workbook and playbook of Body Mapping and the Alexander Technique with which dancers and movers can improve the quality of their movement. Through clear, concise text, numerous illustrations and guided movement explorations, learn to embody basic anatomy. “Decode” common dance habits and develop a conscious approach to moving with ease and pleasure. Dancers, dance teachers and anyone with an interest in the Alexander Technique and movement will want a copy of What Every Dancer Needs to Know About the Body.

The Thinking Body (Mabel Elsworth Todd)

2017 Reprint of 1937 Edition.  Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software.  Complete with all Illustrations from the 1937 edition.  Mabel Elsworth Todd is considered the founder of what has come to be known as ‘Ideokinesis’, a form of somatic education that became popular in the 1930s amongst dancers and health professionals.  Todd’s ideas involved using anatomically based, creative visual imagery and consciously relaxed volition to create and refine neuromuscular coordination.  Lulu Sweigard, who coined the term Ideokinesis, and Barbara Clark furthered Todd’s work.  Todd’s work was published in her book The Thinking Body (1937), which is now considered by modern dance schools to be a classic study of physiology and the psychology of movement.  Her work influenced many somatic awareness professionals of her day, and is often cited along with The Feldenkrais method for its focus on the subtle influence of unconscious intention and attention.