WE have created this work by generating writing from prompts and finding ways to carefully transform this text into movement. Lawson has Cerebral Palsy and has never walked or worn shoes very much.
“There’s something in my shoes that gives me strength to begin a new day. They are unbreakable no matter where I go. Those shoes have a light that guides my way. Though I can’t always seek them I know I will be ok until I find them again.” (Rose Lawson 2019)
The working process has seen the community asked to donate shoes which today form the set designed by Fiona in collaboration with Jeremy Luby. The costumes are also designed by Fiona in collaboration with Maxine Luby.
Together Rose and Fiona have engineered the sound score using unusual sound recordings layered with Rose’s text spoken by her talker. To those who know her well, this is her voice.
We wish to thank the following people, without whom this project could not have been realized:
The Sunshine Coast Council and RADF, Nycole Prowse, all of Rose’s support staff, Rose’s sister Mandy, Jeremy and Maxine Luby, Glenda and Peter Bryant, Silas at Vandy’s Garage, Creative Spaces and the Eco Center at Maroochydore Botanical Gardens, Spiral, Front of House volunteers, Noah Luby and Cathy Delves.
The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Sunshine Coast Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.
Anywhere Festival, Arts Ablaze
Fiona Bryant (Production and Performance) Rose Lawson (Text and Performance) Jeremy Luby (Set Design)
There’s Something in My Shoes – Review by Kathryn Barnes for Anywhere Festival