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Music, Muscles, Mind & Mat
Music, Muscles, Mind & Mat (MMMM) is a pioneering class combining effective bodywork moves with music and motivational instruction in order to build mind body connection, strength and agility. Classes have been specifically designed for those with a disability who love to move and have some experience in movement. Sessions take place on a fitness mat and progress through a carefully considered series of static and dynamic postures that are both fun and challenging. By initially staying on an individual mat, participants are able to tune into their own body which in turn allows individual goals to be set and achieved. These may be in relation to things like agility and strength or alternatively focus and breath. A sense of comradery is encouraged amongst the group.Sessions numbers are kept small (Max 6 participants) to allow for plenty of individual feedback. NDIS funding can be used for sessions in the area of capacity building. Session run in line with school term dates.
Alexander Flow

Alexander Flow is a pioneering class combining principles of the Alexander technique for postural education with low impact dance and body conditioning moves. Accompanied by music scape, it is a wonderfully balanced approach developed to compliment and enhance other exercise and bodywork modalities. As the title suggests, the class is all about performing a progression of movements with great attention to detail to create connection of mind and body and ultimately the experience of FLOW. By using principles of intuitive movement, one can move as rigorously or gently as they choose meaning that the sessions are suitable for all levels of movement experience and fitness.
Class sizes are kept small to allow plenty of individual correction and encouragement. Sessions work well with 1:1 Alexander Technique sessions and an initial assessment or conversation is encouraged.
Alexander Matwork

Class sizes are kept small to allow plenty of individual correction and in this way are suitable for those recovering from injury or illness. Classes work well with 1:1 Alexander Technique sessions and an initial assessment or conversation is encouraged.
Alexander Aqua

Grace Moves

A somatic based movement session teaching principles of Body Mapping and Alexander Technique to deepen body awareness and find greater grace in movement and rest. Accompanied by beautiful music score and simple instruction, participants are guided through a flow of mat based movements and postures aimed at developing awareness, increasing range of movement and accuracy while activating neuro-muscular pathways effectively. This is a perfect compliment to other moment practices, is ideal for those recovering from injury as well as those looking for ways to be more at peace in the home of their body.
Mums Meet on the Mat

Mums Meet on the Mat is being created not so much as a ‘class’ but as a space (virtual and physical) for supporting the wellbeing of new Mums or Mums to be and their baby. The space will house offerings from practitioners in the areas of movement, nutrition, mental well-being and art. So if you have ideas of what is needed in our community or practitioners who may be interested to collaborate, please get in touch and comment below.
Antenatal Alexander

Body Mapping
Body Mapping short courses provide a great compliment to the Alexander Technique. Fiona’s pioneering course was first published into a 10-session book Body Mapping: Use Body Mapping to Improve Movement and Posture in 2017 and guides students into a practical and embodied understanding of the structure and function of the human body. The course teaches foundations of the Alexander Technique and Anatomy with the additional step of learning not only how to intellectually understand this information but also physically. Courses run both online and face to face in a small group setting in order to support individual responsiveness throughout. This design arises out of a recognition of the diversity of bodies, how we think about and in turn inhabit our bodies. Course fees include a copy of Body Mapping: Use Body Mapping to Improve Movement and Posture which is also available to the online ( This text can also be used effectively by those studying and teaching movement and anatomy work.
Short courses run either as 10 consecutive sessions or as two half days during which the whole body, particularly the skeletal system, is introduced and mapped.
Please go to the Contact page to express your interest in the Body Mapping course.